A eclectic collection of tales and times – by Kelly

Blog Archives


Aloha and Away Again!

Joe and I have officially signed a lease!  We are working on cleaning the place a bit more before we move all our stuff over.   I will post pictures soon!
Other than that, I don’t have much going on.  Still trying to find another/better job and going to roller derby practice when I don’t have to work.

Also, check out my instagram!  I post several pictures with instagram, and you can click on the picture to the right of my posts to see them all!



Quick Picture Update

This weekend was a blast.  I just wanted to share a few pictures.


Roller Derby is exciting!

I know one of the girls that plays on the local roller derby team, so I might start going to practices to learn how to be a roller derby girl.  I would need a roller derby name.  Any suggestions?  Leave them in the comments!


Sunday volley ball

This Sunday, I again went sailing, but my sea sickness finally got the upper hand on me, even after taking 2 doeses of Bonine…

Instead, I might start playing beach volleyball with a group that comes ever Sunday to a nearby beach.  Included in the group is the physical therapist who runs the clinic I’ll be working at.  Afterwards, Joe and I got to watch an amazing sunset.  I took a video and posted it on my Facebook if you’re interested.  I cannot unfortunately post videos here.

Later this week will be work and getting my bike in working order.  It only needs a few more adjustments.  Hopefully my packages of stuff will be arriving soon as well!  They are almost a week overdue.



Sunset at Hapuna Beach