A eclectic collection of tales and times – by Kelly

The Octopus Occurance

Good news, everyone!
I officially went to my first practice and I am pretty certain roller derby is for me.  It’s a nice combination of sports I’ve already done (fighting, soccer, skiing) and sports I’ve never really tried (Anything with more than 2 wheels).  I will hopefully be getting more pictures of that soon!
In other news, work is pretty great.  It’s a lot like the health food store I worked at in college.  It’s locally owned and there’s a lot of very friendly regulars.  I am hoping that they will move me up to full time since the full time cashier just quit, but they hired another part time girl.  We’ll see, but right now I’m still looking for another position.

My bike is now mostly ride-able!  It would be completely ride-able, except that I need my female specific seat from my packages, and my blinking lights for night riding.  Other than that, here she is!


Joe and I went snorkeling at our favorite beach yesterday.  He let me borrow his fins, but I ended up preferring no fins.  I found a day octopus and a yellow and white striped eel!  There were so many cool fish!  The tide was really low so everything was really close to the surface.  The following link is a video of the octopus!

In our apartment hunt, Joe and I have decided on renting a 3 bedroom house.  It’s actually the first one we saw, but has since been renovated and thoroughly cleaned.  More on that later!  🙂

*Hawaiian Culture Note*
No one comes to a complete stop for emergency vehicles here.  Generally, people who live here slow down a bit and pull off to the side.  Only tourists completely stop, and they come really close to getting hit by locals.  tips for visiting!

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